Child Support
Child support is pretty much what it implies—monetary support for a child. This is for children you have a legal obligation to support such as biological or adopted children.
In California BOTH parents are responsible for supporting their children. In order for child support to be ordered either the parents must be, or have been, married or parentage determined. This can be done either by a voluntary declaration of paternity or a blood test.
Child support is normally ordered by the court when a couple separates or obtains a divorce. It is determined by a complicated formula, but is almost always determined by court-approved computer program, such as the Xspouse™ program. This is because so many factors can affect the child support amount, such as:
- Amount of time spent with each parent
- Number of children from relationship
- Incomes of parents
- Health insurance premiums
- Union dues
- Mandatory retirement contributions
- Are there any children from other relationships
- Daycare expenses
- Health care costs not covered by insurance
- Travel expenses
- Children with special needs
Child support in California generally lasts until a child reaches the age of 18 AND graduates from high school OR turns 19 years old. Child support may be ordered past the age of 19 if there is a child with special needs.
We can provide you with a report for just child support, or both child and spousal support. This will give you a good indication of where you stand financially and you can determine what actions you are going to take.
Xspouse™ Spousal Support Calculation for $49.95
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